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Welcome Kaiser Retirement Plan Participants

Fortunately, our firm was created with you and life in mind. We go beyond helping you with traditional asset diversification and retirement account allocation. Initially, we figure out how much of your hard earned money you want today. Then, we figure out how much you need later

The aforementioned is accomplished through tax planning (before or after tax funds), cash-flow management and utilizing a software program created by a leading academic professor. 

After answering questions relative to your personal objectives, a personal risk score is generated. In turn, we take your risk score and utilize the Charles Schwab platform to apply the appropriate investment allocation.

Contact us today and request a private web-link to access the questions in determining your personal risk score. 

We would like to share a sample proposal demonstrating our process, please click below.    

By working with one of our dedicated financial planners we also provide clients access to our network of CPAs, attorneys and consultants focused on various strategies. Importantly, you will also receive a complimentary financial plan and/or analysis.

Kaiser Retirement Plan Smart Guide